El ICAE pertenece a la Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad de Los Andes. El instituto ha realizado y realiza investigaciones sobre ecología y ambiente en diversas escalas y temas, particularmente en ecosistemas tropicales, cuyos resultados en su mayoría están plasmados en su producción científica.

Address: Venezuela

ICAE Contributed To...

Green forested mountains with a cloudy sky
Diversity, structure and dynamics of tropical montane forests: Insights from permanent-plot monitoring in the Venezuelan Andes

Explore monitoring data from two mountain ranges of the Venezuelan Andes and understand what the results mean for their future sustainable management and conservation in this journal article.
brown llamas on grass with mountain backdrop
Pastoralism in the high tropical Andes: A review of the effect of grazing intensity on plant diversity and ecosystem services

What are the impacts of grazing on biodiversity and ecosystem services in the tropical Andes? Explore the findings of this systematic review.
High Andean plants of the genus Compositae
GLORIA network studies dispersal strategies of flowers in the High Andes

How are plants overcoming geographical barriers to disperse their seeds? The GLORIA-Andes network continues to provide basic knowledge about high Andean ecosystems, essential to understanding how native species feel the...