Coca-Cola Foundation

The Coca-Cola Foundation is our company's primary international philanthropic arm.

Since its inception in 1984, The Foundation has awarded more than $1 billion in grants to support sustainable community initiatives around the world.​

Address: United States

Coca-Cola Foundation Contributed To...

Detailed Solution
Improvement of vegas and bofedales through traditional Aymara practices in the highlands of northern Chile

The Coca-Cola Foundation is our company's primary international philanthropic arm. Since its inception in 1984, The Foundation has awarded more than $1 billion in grants to support sustainable community initiatives...
Detailed Solution
Management of vegas and swamps with traditional techniques by the Kolla community of Lagunillas del Farallón, in the Jujuy Puna, Argentina

The Coca-Cola Foundation is our company's primary international philanthropic arm. Since its inception in 1984, The Foundation has awarded more than $1 billion in grants to support sustainable community initiatives...