The world’s largest alliance for green and fair economies
Structural economic reform is too big to be handled alone. Our members include trade unions, businesses, NGOs, UN agencies and citizen’s groups. All are united by the belief that green and fair economies are possible, necessary, and achievable. If your organisation is interested in joining the coalition, do get in touch. We would love to hear from you.
The Problem:
The climate is crashing, biodiversity is vanishing, democracy is degrading, disease is spreading, inequality is rising. Our economies are fundamentally flawed. They create wealth for the few, at the expense of the many. They drive climate change and mass extinctions. And they prioritise consumption over sustainability.
We need something different.
The Solution:
We need a green economy. An economy in the service of life - one that puts people and the environment first.
Our economies are not set in stone. They can be upgraded, overhauled, transformed. And positive change is already happening around the world - building economies that are fairer, greener and more resilient.
The Green Economy Coalition exists to accelerate this inclusive and sustainable transition. We work with our partners around the world to give citizens a voice, hold governments to account, and drive real economic change.
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