INDAP is a dependent institution of the Ministry of Agriculture of Chile. It aims to promote the economic, social and technological development of small farmers and peasants, in order to help raise their business, organizational and commercial cacacity, their integration into the rural development process and optimize at the same time the use of productive resources
- Support the access of Peasant Family Farming to a system of extension and support for innovation that improves their skills and abilities to develop agricultural and rural enterprises, considering the opportunities and restrictions indicated by markets, territories and the environment.
- Facilitate the access of Peasant Family Farming to financing programs (credits and incentives) adapted to the needs of working capital and investments required to enhance the diversity of economic, individual and associative enterprises.
- Expand and improve the access conditions of Family Farming to local, national and international markets, promoting traditional and differentiated products of high quality and seeking an approach between the producer and the final consumer.
- Strengthen the organizational development of Family Farming in order to contribute to the development of their productive activity and their integration into the markets, as well as to the strengthening of their participation and positioning as a relevant actor in society.
- Support the development and strengthening of the social capital of Family Farming, promoting cooperation among producers, as well as the creation of networks and alliances between them and public and private actors, to channel new resources and skills to the rural world.