Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI)

The 21st-century is faced with environmental changes from local to global scales that require large efforts of mitigation and adaptation by societies and ecosystems. The causes and effects, problems and solutions of global change interlink biogeochemistry, Earth system functions and socio-economic conditions in increasingly complex ways. To guide efforts of mitigation and adaptation to global change and aid policy decisions, scientific knowledge now needs to be generated in broad transdisciplinary ways that address the needs of knowledge users and also provide profound understanding of complex socio-environmental systems.

To address these knowledge needs, 12 nations of the American continent came together in Montevideo, Uruguay, in 1992 to establish the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI). The 12 governments, in theĀ Declaration of Montevideo, called for the Institute to develop the best possible international coordination of scientific and economic research on the extent, causes, and consequences of global change in the Americas.

The Institute shall pursue the principles of scientific excellence and integrity, international cooperation, science outreach and capacity building, and the full and open exchange of scientific information relevant to global change to reach the vision of a sustainable Americas.

Address: Uruguay

Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI) Contributed To...

Outcomes of GEO Mountains’ Regional Workshop in the Andes
Learn about the GEO Mountains' Regional Workshop in the Andes in this short summary article.