
The Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) is a research organisation operating under the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland. Luke’s task is to promote competitive business based on the sustainable use of renewable natural resources, as well as wellbeing and the vitality of the countryside.

Luke employs some 1,300 people. We operate in 24 locations in Finland and our headquarter is in Helsinki. Luke's President and CEO is Johanna Buchert.


Luke resolves challenges in the sustainable and profitable use of renewable natural resources in four phenomenon-based research programmes. Every year, Luke has more than 700 research projects in progress, roughly 100 of which are EU projects. In 2021, Luke’s researchers published more than 700 peer-reviewed scientific publications. Research accounts for approximately 70 per cent of Luke’s activities.

In addition to research activities, Luke has statutory duties, and it compiles Finland’s official food and natural resources statistics.

Luke’s activities are guided by Luke’s strategy and the performance agreement signed annually with the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland. Luke’s official duties are defined in EU and national regulations. In addition, the Statistics Act and statistical practices guide Luke’s statistical activities.

Luke’s operating policy is based on Luke’s Code of Conduct and values.

In all its research activities, Luke is committed to the guidelines for the responsible conduct of research issued by the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity (TENK).

Address: Finland
Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) logo

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