Oficina Catalana del Canvi Climàtic

The Catalan Office of Climate Change is the technical body of the Government of Catalonia, attached to the General Directorate of Environmental Quality and Climate Change of the Secretariat of Climate Action, responsible for promoting in Catalonia the establishment of strategies, plans and projects in the field of climate change.

On the basis of the commitments adopted within the European Union, the Office ensures the integration of mitigation and adaptation to climate change in sectoral policies, and promotes projects and concerted actions with other governments in the field of climate policies.

Likewise, the Office acts as the technical and administrative secretariat of the Interdepartmental Climate Change Commission.

Address: Spain
Oficina Catalana del Canvi Climatic

Oficina Catalana del Canvi Climàtic Contributed To...

MIDMACC logo with cows in a field
LIFE MIDMACC: Mid-mountain adaptation to climate change

Explore the adaptation strategies implemented in the LIFE MIDMACC project - including the introduction of vineyards and forest management techniques, and the restoration of pastures.