biodiversity conservation
Leave No Mountain Behind: The Synthesis Series – Integration of Indigenous knowledge for adaptation in mountain regions
How has Indigenous knowledge been leveraged to support climate change adaptation in mountain regions? This brief synthesises experience and learning captured on the Adaptation at Altitude Solution Portal and explores the use of Indigenous knowledge in climate adaptation in mountain regions through five themes.
Mountains ADAPT: Solutions from East Africa
The Mountains ADAPT: Solutions from East Africa booklet showcases adaptation solutions proven to be successful in response to specific issues caused or accelerated by climate change that negatively affect mountain communities’ livelihoods and ecosystems. The publication includes Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, the United Republic of Tanzania and Uganda.
December 2021 Virtual Conference: Bridges in the Andes: transiting towards sustainability
This meeting will host several open spaces to bring multiple actor and disciplines together to reflect on the main advances since the 1st International Mountain Day (20 years ago), and future challenges for integrated management and transition towards sustainability in Andean ecosystems, landscapes and societies.