climate monitoring
GEO Mountains Workshop: Interdisciplinary Monitoring, Data, and Capacity Sharing Across the Andes
Join this interdisciplinary workshop to learn from other data providers and data users on climate change and its impacts on environmental, ecological and social systems across the Andes, with the goal of informing effective climate change adaptation solutions.
December 2021 Virtual Conference: Bridges in the Andes: transiting towards sustainability
This meeting will host several open spaces to bring multiple actor and disciplines together to reflect on the main advances since the 1st International Mountain Day (20 years ago), and future challenges for integrated management and transition towards sustainability in Andean ecosystems, landscapes and societies.
Hacia una agenda de investigación para el monitoreo integrado de ecosistemas andinos: aportes para la sostenibilidad en escenarios de cambio ambiental
Esta publicacion es un resumen del Conversatorio sobre “Hacia una agenda de investigación para el monitoreo integrado de ecosistemas andinos: aportes para la sostenibilidad en escenarios de cambio ambiental”.
Yachaykusun: Lessons on climate change from the Andes
This online book details the innovative responses of rural populations to climate change in the Andean highlands, aided by the implementation of resilience building practices by PACC Peru.