knowledge transfer
Regional Adaptation Dialogue in the South Caucasus Meeting
Get an insight into what went on at the Regional Adaptation Dialogue in the South Caucasus meeting; held to discuss regional climate risks and scenarios, climate change adaptation policies and action, and engage in regional dialogue and collaboration among the South Caucasus countries for adaptation planning.
Taking Action Together for Resilient Mountain Communities in the South Caucasus
Learn about the outcomes of the interactive regional meeting hosted by UNEP and Sustainable Caucasus in Tbilisi, Georgia, which aimed to support regional collaboration among South Caucasus countries for climate adaptation planning and action.
Upscaling adaptation solutions for vulnerable mountain regions through international cooperation
(Video) Following a teaser showcase of the “Last Glaciers” documentary and inspirational talk by the documentary's director, this event featured a series of talks and panel discussion exploring what is being done to support and upscale adaptation in mountainous regions internationally.