A FRAGILE FUTURE: Can mountain communities adapt to climate change?

COP26 Glasgow Geneva Event
This event presented the latest cryosphere science about the impacts and risks of climate change, and explored good adaptation solutions and experiences, especially in mountain areas, with a focus on developing countries.
The event was streamed live on GeCryoHub.ch, where you can find a full program of event recordings on the cryosphere and mountains held during COP26. For those who could attend in person, in-person events were held at UniMail, Boulevard du Pont d’Arve 40, Geneva or the Cryosphere Pavilion, COP26 Blue Zone, Glasgow.
Watch the recording of this event below. This event is also available to watch in French here.
You can also read a blog summarising the event by Léonard Dharan and Océane Garandel, from UNIGE.
GENEVA (streamed to Glasgow Cryosphere Hub)
What do we know about climate change impacts and adaptation?
- Moderator: Dr. Carolina Adler, Executive Director, Mountain Research Initiative (MRI)
- Opening words | Prof. Jörg Balsiger, Institute for Environmental Sciences, University of Geneva (tbc)
- Impacts of climate change in the cryosphere and mountain areas | Prof. Christian Huggel, University of Zürich
- Regional impacts:
- Latin America | Randy Muñoz, PhD candidate from Peru, University of Zürich Central Asia | Prof. Martin Hölzle, University of Fribourg
- Himalayas | Prof. Markus Stoffel, University of Geneva
- Adaptation to climate change in the cryosphere and mountain areas | Dr. Carolina Adler, MRI
GLASGOW (streamed to Geneva Cryosphere Hub)
How can we work together for solutions?
- Panel discussion moderator: Elena Manaenkova, Deputy Secretary-General, WMO
- Speakers:
- Dr. Radha Wagle | UNFCCC Focal Point, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Forests and Environment, Nepal (tbc)
- Nino Tkhilava | UNFCCC Focal Point, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, Georgia (tbc)
- Janine Kuriger | Head, Global Programme Climate Change and Environ- ment, SDC
- Marlene Kronenberg | Glaciologist, University of Fribourg & Founder of Adventure of Science
- TBC | Consorcio para el Desarrollo Sostenible de la Ecorregión Andina CONDESAN (tbc)
- Izabella Koziell | Deputy Director General, International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)
Mountains & the Cryosphere at COP26
COP26, 1-12th November 2021, saw numerous events focusing on the cryosphere and mountain regions. These events will be streamed online. All events in the Cryosphere Pavilion and select events hosted by the Geneva Cryosphere Hub wwere held as hybrid online / in-person events.
The Cryosphere Pavilion
The Cryosphere Pavilion (located in the Blue Zone), hosted a full programme of events exploring climate-related challenges in the vulnerable frozen regions of the Earth, including the high northern latitudes and high mountain areas. Background information on the Cryosphere Pavilion and supporting partners can be found here.
The full programme of events can be found here: http://iccinet.org/cop26cryospherepavilion/
Recordings of these events can be found on YouTube.
The Geneva Cryosphere Hub
The Geneva Cryosphere Hub was the link between Switzerland and the Cryosphere Pavilion. The Geneva Hub aimed to facilitate dialogue between science, society and policy; raise awareness about the critical role played by the Cryosphere; promote discussion of the latest scientific evidence on cryosphere processes; and, ultimately, to help enhance the ambition to achieve tangible outcomes at COP26.
Details of and recordings of all the events and several exhibits can be found here: https://www.gecryohub.ch/
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