Publications and Other Resources on Sustainable Mountain Development

This page brings together all the key publications (multiple languages) on Sustainable Mountain Development produced and/or funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and partners.
Pedro Cisterna Gaete


Mountain regions provide a multitude of ecosystem services. For example, they play an essential role in providing water resources to a large portion of the world’s population and directly support 12 percent of the world’s population, including numerous indigenous communities. Mountains also play a key role in energy generation and recreation, and provide key resources such as minerals, forest products and agricultural products. However, mountain ecosystems are also fragile, and are vulnerable to the adverse impacts of climate change, deforestation and forest degradation, land use change, land degradation and natural disasters, and the marginalisation of mountain communities.

As a mountainous country, Switzerland has a great deal of experience with the advantages and disadvantages of upland regions and the challenges of sustainable mountain development. The SDC focuses its efforts in this area in three main areas:

  1. Supporting initiatives and projects that promote sustainable mountain development with the aim of improving the living conditions of mountain communities
  2. Enhancing political recognition and support for mountainous regions as vulnerable ecosystems that are essential to human needs
  3. Fostering knowledge generation, dialogue and sharing of information and experience between stakeholders at all levels

This page brings together all the key publications and outputs on Sustainable Mountain Development that have been produced and/or supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, and partners. These include Global Reports, Regional reports, Policy Briefs, Other Publications (books etc.), Flyers and Videos. These reports draw on an international group of experts and provide insights from numerous and diverse case studies.

The PDFs for each title (and language preference) listed below can be accessed by clicking on the relevant link. Find out more about the SDC’s work in mountainous areas here.

Global Reports

Assessment of Glacier and Permafrost Hazards in Mountain Regions [2017] Lead authors: Allen, S., Frey, H., and Huggel, C. Published by the Standing Group on Glacier and Permafrost Hazards in Mountains (GAPHAZ) of the International Association of Cryospheric Sciences (IACS) and the International Permafrost Association (IPA). Zurich, Switzerland / Lima, Peru. This document has been elaborated within the Glaciares+ Project, promoted and funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC/COSUDE). [English – weADAPT article] [Spanish] [Russian]

Safer lives and livelihoods in mountains: Making the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction work for sustainable mountain development [2017] Editors: Wymann von Dach, S., Bachmann, F., Alcántara-Ayala, I., Fuchs, S., Keiler, M., Mishra, A. and Sötz, E. Published by the Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), with support from the Austrian Development Cooperation and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). [English] [Spanish]

Mountain women’s future [2017] Authors: Gämperli Krauer, U., Wymann von Dach, S., and Bieri, S. Published by the CDE, with funding from the Austrian Development Cooperation and the SDC. [English]

Waste Management Outlook for Mountain Regions – Sources and Solutions [2016] Authors: Alfthan, B., Semernya, L., Ramola, A., Adler, C., Peñaranda, L.F., Andresen, M., Rucevska, I., Jurek, M., Schoolmeester, T., Baker, E., Hauer, W. & Memon, M. Published by: UNEP, GRID-Arendal and ISWA. [English] (Pull-out Map) Executive summaries: [French] [Russian] [Chinese] [Spanish] [Arabic]

Investing in Sustainable Mountain Development: Opportunities, Resources and Benefits [2016] Editors: Wymann von Dach, S., Bachmann, F., Borsdorf, A., Kohler, T., Jurek, M. and Sharma, E. Published with support from the Austrian Development Cooperation and SDC [English]

Protection against Mass Movement Hazards: Guideline for the integrated hazard management of landslides, rockfall and hillslope debris flows [2016] Authors: Raetzo, H. and Loup, B. Published by Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) [English] [French] [German]

Utilisation du territoire et dangers naturels: Envisager la délocalisation et la démolition des bâtiments [2016] Authors: Denzler, L. Published by FOEN [French] [German]

Mapping the vulnerability of mountain peoples to food insecurity [2015] Editors: Romeo, R., Vita, A., Testolin R. and Hofer, T. Author of case studies: Borlizzi, A. Published by the FAO in collaboration with the Mountain Partnership Secretariat [English]

Green Economy and Institutions for Sustainable Mountain Development: From Rio 1992 to Rio 2012 and beyond [2015] Editors: Kohler, T., Balsiger, J., Rudaz, G., Debarbieux, B., Pratt, D. J. and Maselli, D. Published by CDE, SDC, the University of Geneva (UNIGE) and Geographica Bernensia. [English]

Understanding mountain soils [2015] Editors: Romeo, R., Vita, A., Manuelli, S., Zanini, E., Freppaz, M. and Stanchi, S. Published by FAO in collaboration with the Mountain Partnership Secretariat, the Global Soil Partnership and the Department of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences (DISAFA-NatRisk) at the University of Turin. [English]

Mountains and Climate Change: A Global Concern [2014] Editors: Kohler, T., Wehrli, A. & Jurek, M. Published by the Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) at the University of Bern, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and Geographica Bernensia. [English] [Spanish]

Tourism in Mountain Regions: Hopes, Fears and Realities [2014] Editors: Debarbieux, B., Varacca, M. O., Rudaz, G., Maselli, D., Kohler, T. and Jurek, M. Published by UNIGE, CDE and the United Nations Environment Program; supported by the Austrian Development Cooperation and SDC [English] [Spanish]

Mountain Farming is Family Farming: A contribution from mountain areas to the International Year of Family Farming [2014] Editors: Wymann von Dach, S., Romeo, R., Vita, A., Wurzinger, M., Kohler, T. Published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), CDE and the Centre for Development Research (BOKU). [English] [Spanish] [French]

Mountains: Our Life, Our Future. Progress and perspectives on sustainable mountain development: From Rio 1992 to Rio 2012 and beyond [2013] Authors: Ariza, C., Maselli, D. and Kohler, T. Published by SDC and CDE [English] [Spanish]

​Highlands and Drylands: Mountains, a source of resilience in arid regions [2011] Editors: Berrahmouni, N., Romeo, R., McGuire, D., Zelaya, S., Maselli, D. and Kohler, T. Published by FAO, the Mountain Partnership Secretariat, the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), SDC and CDE [English]

Mountain Forests in a Changing World – Realizing Values, addressing challenges [2011] Editors: Price, M. F., Gratzer, G., Alemayehu Duguma, L., Kohler, T., Maselli, D. and Romeo, R. Published by FAO with the support of SDC [English]

Mountain Biodiversity and global change [2010] Editors: Spehn, E. M., Körner, C., Rudmann-Maurer, K. and Maselli, D. Published by SDC [English]

Mountains and Climate Change, from Understanding to Action [2009] Editors: Kohler, T. and Maselli, D. Published by CDE with the support of SDC [English]

Defense structures in avalanche starting zones [2007] Authors: Margreth, S. Published by FOEN and WSL Swiss Federal Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF [English] [French] [German] [Italian]

Policy Briefs

World Mountain Forum 2016 outcome document – Mbale Call for Upscaling Action [2016] Published by: the World Mountain Forum [English] [French]

Africa Regional Mountains Forum outcome document – Towards a Shared Mountain Agenda for Africa [2014] Published by: the Africa Regional Mountains Forum [English]

Mountains and the Sustainable Development Goals – a call to action [2014] Published by: FAO and the Mountain Partnership [English] [Spanish] [French] [Russian]

Mountains as the water towers of the world: A call for action on the sustainable development goals (SDGs) [2014] Published by: the Mountain Partnership [English] [Spanish] [French]

Why mountains matter for energy: A Call for Action on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) [2014] Published by: the Mountain Partnership [English] [Spanish] [French] [Russian]​ [Arabic]

Why mountains matter for climate change adaption and disaster risk reduction: A call for action on the sustainable development goals (SDGs) [2014] Published by: the Mountain Partnership [English] [Spanish] [French]

Why mountains matter for forests and biodiversity: A call for action on the sustainable development (SDGs) [2014] Published by: the Mountain Partnership [English] [Spanish] [French]

Why mountains matter in global sustainable development [2012] Published by: SDC, the Mountain Partnership, and CDE (University of Bern). [English]

Why mountains matter for Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe [2012] Published by: UNEP / MPS Eastern Europe Hub in cooperation with the Interim Secretariat of the Carpathian Convention, the European Academy (EURAC) and regional partners. [English]

Why mountains matter for Meso America [2012] Published by: University for International Cooperation, the Tropical Science Center, and CONDESAN [English]

Why Mountains Matter for Africa [2012] Published by: UNEP in collaboration with regional experts [English]

Why mountains matter for North America [2012] Published by: Aspen International Mountain Foundation and Telluride Institute [English]

Regional Reports

Outlook on Climate Change Adaptation in the Central Asian Mountains [2017] Authors: Жолдошева, Э., Ручевска, И., Семерня, Л., Даиров, И., Кожахметов, П., Бариева, А., Маскаев, А., Митрофаненко, Т., Алексеева, Н. Published by: UNEP, GRID-Arendal, and RGCCA. [Russian]

Outlook on Climate Change Adaptation in the Tropical Andes Mountains [2016] Authors: Schoolmeester, T.; Saravia, M.; Andresen, M.; Postigo, J.; Valverde, A.; Jurek, M.; Alfthan, B. and Giada, S. Published by: UNEP, GRID-Arendal and CONDESAN [English]

Outlook on Climate Change Adaptation in the South Caucasus Mountains [2015] Authors: Shatberashvili, N.; Rucevska, I.; Jørstad, H.; Artsivadze, K.; Mehdiyev, B.; Aliyev, M.; Fayvush, G.; Dzneladze, M.; Jurek, M.; Kirkfeldt, T. & Semernya, L. Published by: UNEP, GRID-Arendal and Sustainable Caucasus. [English]

Outlook on climate change adaptation in the Western Balkan mountains [2015] Authors: Alfthan, B.; Krilasevic, E.; Venturini, S.; Bajrovic, S.; Jurek, M.; Schoolmeester, T., Sandei, P.C., Egerer, H, and Kurvits, T. Published by: UNEP, GRIDArendal and Environmental Innovations Association. [English]

Sustainable mountain development in East Africa in a changing climate [2016] Published by: East African Community (EAC), UNEP and GRID-Arendal [English]

Africa Mountains Atlas [2014] Published by: UNEP [English]

Africa Mountains Status Report [2014] Published by the Albertine Rift Conservation Society [English]

From Rio 1992 to 2012 and beyond: 20 Years of Sustainable Mountain Development in Africa [2011] Prepared by: UNEP­-Vienna, African Mountains for Rio+20 [English]

Sustainable Mountain Development in the Middle East and North Africa: from Rio 1992 to 2012 and beyond [2012] Author: Victor, R. Prepared by: Sultan Qaboos University, Sultanate of Oman [English]

Sustainable Mountain Development in Central Asia: from Rio 1992 to 2012 and beyond [2012] Editor: Hughes, G. (for case study authors see page 4 of the report) Prepared by: University of Central Asia, Zoï Environment Network, Mountain Partnership and GRID-Arendal, with support from SDC. [English]

Sustainable Mountain Development in the Hindu-Kush Himalaya: from Rio 1992 to 2012 and beyond [2012] Lead Author: Karki, M. Associate contributors: Sharma, S., Jung Mahat, T., Tuladhar, A. and Aksha, S. Prepared by: International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) [English]

Sustainable Mountain Development in Southeast Asia and Pacific: from Rio 1992 to 2012 and beyond [2012] Authors: Razal, R. A., Karki, M., Sánchez, B. Q., Aksha, S. and Jung Mahat, T. Prepared by: ICIMOD and the Non-Timber Forest Product-Exchange Programme for South and Southeast Manila, Philippines [English]

Sustainable Mountain Development in North America: from Rio 1992 to 2012 and beyond [2012] Authors: Wallace, R. J., DeVore, K., Lifton-Zoline, P. and Lifton-Zoline, J. Prepared by: Aspen International Mountain Foundation & Telluride Institute [English]

Sustainable Mountain Development in Meso America: from Rio 1992 to 2012 and beyond [2012] Authors: Chassot, O., Valverde, A., Jiménez, V., Müller, E. and Moreno, T. Prepared by: Latin American School for Protected Areas (ELAP), the University for International Cooperation (UCI) and the Tropical Science Center (TSC). [English]

Sustainable Mountain Development in the Andes: from Rio 1992 to 2012 and beyond [2012] Editors: Devenish, C. and Gianella, C. Prepared by: Consorcio para el Desarrollo Sostenible de la Ecorregión Andina (CONDESAN) [English]

Sustainable Mountain Development in Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe: from Rio 1992 to 2012 and beyond [2012] Editor: Hugill, B. Prepared by: Mountain Partnership. [English]

Sustainable Mountain Development in the Alps: from Rio 1992 to 2012 and beyond [2011] Authors: Price, M. F., Borowski, D., Macleod, C., Rudaz, G. and Debarbieux, B. Prepared by: Centre for Mountain Studies at the University of the Highlands and Islands UK and the Department of Geography and Environment University of Geneva Switzerland (UNIGE) [English]

Other Publications and Resources

