Assessment of Glacier and Permafrost Hazards in Mountain Regions: Technical Guidance Document
This technical guidance document provides a structured and comprehensive approach to hazard assessment underpinned by latest scientific understanding. It has been produced as a resource for international and national agencies, responsible authorities and private companies.
A world without glaciers – How can scientists contribute to enhancing climate ambition, in Switzerland and beyond?
Watch a video of an event presenting the most recent IPCC findings (focussing on Working Group 1) and discussing how to raise the ambition level for achieving international climate goals in mountain and polar regions.
Applying the IPCC 2014 framework for hazard-specific vulnerability assessment under climate change
This paper compares the framework of the IPCC AR4 (2007) to that outlined in IPCC AR5 (2014) and describes how the AR5 framework provides a more contextualised and operationalisable approach.
Educomunicación del tiempo meteorológico y el clima en los Andes
En los Andes al sur de Perú (Cusco y Puno), el proyecto Climandes, impulsó el diálogo intercultural e intercambio de información climática entre agricultores y meteorólogos.
Publications and Other Resources on Sustainable Mountain Development
This page brings together all the key publications (multiple languages) on Sustainable Mountain Development produced and/or funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and partners.