climate services
“El Niño” is knocking on our door: How can climate information help vulnerable populations make better decisions to protect themselves from its impacts?
Learn about the Agroclimatic Management Platform model which seeks to strengthen agroclimatic governance to improve agricultural productivity in the Andes. It highlights the importance of family farmers being able to access information and practices that help them adapt their activities to climatic events.
Global Network for Observations and Information in Mountain Environments
GEO Mountains seeks to identify, collate and make accessible transboundary and inter- and transdisciplinary data and information – from a variety of providers – pertaining to environmental, ecological, and societal change in mountainous regions globally.
Educomunicación del tiempo meteorológico y el clima en los Andes
En los Andes al sur de Perú (Cusco y Puno), el proyecto Climandes, impulsó el diálogo intercultural e intercambio de información climática entre agricultores y meteorólogos.