knowledge sharing
Launch of the Caucasus Environment Outlook 2.0
What are the policy needs and gaps of the six countries within the Caucasus Ecoregion, and how can they mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate change on both society and the environment? Join this webinar for the launch of the second edition of the Caucasus Environment Outlook.
Mountains Connect brief: Experience exchange between the Andes, Alps and Carpathians to explore mountain governance paths for climate resilient development
What can three mountain ranges with different approaches to mountain governance and sustainable development learn from one another? Explore the key outcomes of study visits between the Andes, Alps and Carpathians.
Promoting the Science-Policy dialogue: the Andean Mountain Initiative meets the Socio-Environmental Monitoring Networks of the Andes
How can science-policy dialogues strengthen adaptation and sustainable development in the Andes? Learn more in this summary of the meeting between the Andean Mountain Initiative and the socio-environmental monitoring networks of the Andes.
Leave No Mountain Behind: The Synthesis Series – Integration of Indigenous knowledge for adaptation in mountain regions
How has Indigenous knowledge been leveraged to support climate change adaptation in mountain regions? This brief synthesises experience and learning captured on the Adaptation at Altitude Solution Portal and explores the use of Indigenous knowledge in climate adaptation in mountain regions through five themes.
GEO Mountains Workshop: Interdisciplinary Monitoring, Data, and Capacity Sharing Across the Andes
Join this interdisciplinary workshop to learn from other data providers and data users on climate change and its impacts on environmental, ecological and social systems across the Andes, with the goal of informing effective climate change adaptation solutions.
A roadmap for integrating theory and field observations in South America montane ecosystems
Learn about the empirical and theoretical approaches currently used to quantify the ecosystem service provision in South American montane forests and alpine environments. A broad roadmap for the creation of a trandisciplinary network that can bridge the gap between the needs of modelling and data availability is proposed, in order to facilitate the implementation of mountain vegetation into Dynamic Global Vegetation Models that are used in Earth System Models.
Pioneering study analyzes how plant communities throughout the High Andes are responding to climate change
Explore a new study by the GLORIA-Andes monitoring network to learn about how climate change is transforming summit plant communities in the High Andes, and what the key drivers of these changes are.