Expert Dialogue on Mountains and Climate Change – SBSTA 60

5 June 2024, 10:00-18:00 CEST (UTC+2)
Short summary
The Expert Dialogue on Mountains and Climate Change is being held at the 60th session of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) based on Decision 1/CMA.5 from the Global Stocktake at COP28. The Dialogue aims to bring together scientists, policymakers, and other relevant stakeholders to share knowledge and experience on pathways to increasing resilience in mountain areas.
The dialogue will cover topics such as:
- Enhancing understanding of climate change impacts on mountains and downstream communities
- Showcasing solutions for mountain ecosystems
- Discussing ways to accelerate climate action, including capacity building, technology development and leveraging financial support
Adaptation at Altitude (A@A) aims to increase the resilience and adaptive capacity of mountain ecosystems and communities. The goals of the programme align closely with the planned themes of the Dialogue. A@A partners will engage through presentations, discussions, and engagement with attendees. The role of A@A partners at the Dialogue is to share knowledge and information about climate change impacts, particularly in transboundary, regional contexts and share solutions and resources for adaptation in mountains that can be useful to Parties wishing to address the major challenges in their own countries.

Registration details
To join the Expert Dialogue, you must be accredited to attend the UNFCCC SB60. Please visit this webpage for more information.
The aforementioned resources that are highly relevant for Parties and attendees of the meeting are as follows:
1. The Adaptation at Altitude Solution Portal
Includes solutions for different sectors that address a wide array of climate impacts
2. Guidance document for Parliamentarians
The issue brief “Responding to climate change in the mountains: opportunities for Parliamentarians to act” discusses legislative, budgetary, and process-based options for Members of Parliament
3. The Leave No Mountain Behind synthesis series
Provides insights and good practice examples on finance, transboundary adaptation, Indigenous knowledge, and ecosystem restoration
4. IPCC AR6 Cross-chapter Paper on Mountains and SROCC chapter on High Mountain Areas
Gives scientific information about climate change impacts in mountains and different adaptation options
5. Mountains Connect Knowledge Space and learnings brief
Showcases knowledge on different dimensions of mountain range governance across eight mountain regions. The Learnings Brief provides a summary of knowledge exchanges between the Andes, Alps, and Carpathians and opportunities for the future
6. Regional solutions: MountainsADAPT booklets for East Africa and the South Caucasus, and Resilient Mountain Solutions booklet for the HKH
Includes solutions for various adaptation challenges across different mountain regions
7. From the Andes:
- Adaptation to Climate Change in the Andes: gaps in understanding and opportunities for knowledge management
- The high Andean basins face climate change: Results from seven case studies on vulnerability
- Strategies for monitoring and evaluation of climate change adaptation: localizing global approaches into Andean realities
- Implementing Climate Change Adaptation Policies Across Scales: Challenges for Knowledge Coproduction in Andean Mountain Socio-ecosystems
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