Emilie Dupuits
Strategies for monitoring and evaluation of climate change adaptation: localizing global approaches into Andean realities
How are global approaches on monitoring and evaluation to climate change adaptation being localized in the design and implementation of public policies and territorial strategies for adaptation in the Andes? Learn more in this study.
MRD Talk #01: Climate change adaptation in mountains – How to close the gap between policies and local realities?
The first talk in the MRD Talk series, highlighting the crucial role of dialogue between scientists, development practitioners, private-sector representatives, and policymakers in fostering innovative solutions for sustainable and resilient mountain futures.
Políticas de Cambio Climático y las Estrategias de Adaptación de los Andes: una mirada multisectorial desde las montañas
Esta publicacion es un resumen del Conversatorio sobre “Políticas de Cambio Climático y las Estrategias de Adaptación en los Andes: una mirada multisectorial desde las montañas”. Read this article in English here.
Current state of climate change policies and adaptation strategies in the Andes: A multi-sectoral view from the mountains
A new regional study on the current state of climate change policies and adaptation strategies in the Andes shows the achievements in seven Andean countries, and raises future prospects.