Regional Dialogues on Comprehensive High Mountain Management: Session 2

Regional Dialogues on Integrated High Mountain Management: Governance
Join on October (10/21) and November (11/18) to talk about the latest and most innovative experiences in the management of high-altitude ecosystems, as an appetizer for the celebration of the International Mountain Day in December 2021.
This event – on October 21 – is the second in this series. The first event was held on September 16 and focused on knowledge building. Read about the first event here.
This regional dialogue runs ahead of the December 2021 Virtual Conference: Bridges in the Andes: transiting towards sustainability.
These events are organized by CONDESAN, the Humboldt Institute and UNEP, with the support of the European Union, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC | COSUDE) and Helvetas. Find out more about these Regional Dialogues here.
Joining the Dialogues
These events are open for all joining via Youtube and FaceBook Live channels.
At the time of the event (9 a.m. Bogotá – Quito, GMT-5) enter: ZOOM meeting
Governance and participation
This Thursday, October 21, from 9:00 am to 11:00 am (Quito, Ecuador time, GMT-5) we will broadcast the second dialogue in which we will be sharing key Andean and global experiences on the importance of establishing balanced governance strategies for an integrated management of high mountain ecosystems.
Under the moderation ofAna Teresa Lecaros fromAndean Mountain Initiative, we will be listening to:
- Marcela Galvis from the Humboldt Institute, Colombia: Challenges of the integrated management of paramos – participation and governance in paramos and high mountain ecosystems.
- Erika Nadachowski from CARDER, Colombia: Advances in the management of a strategic ecosystem – Los Nevados paramos complex.
- Manuel Peralvo from CONDESAN, Ecuador: Inclusive governance for sustainable land management – the case of the Mancomunidad del Chocó Andino, Pichincha.
- Inés Arias from the Ministry of the Environment of Ecuador: Roadmap for a Technical Workgroup and Work Agenda for mountain landscapes in Ecuador.
- Tamara Mitrofanenko from UNEP Austria: Carpathian Convention – a participatory governance instrument for the mountain region.

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