Agroforestry germination center for the recovery and germination of native seeds in the Tota Lake basin, Colombia
In Colombia, the pressure on ecosystems is large. The growth of the agricultural frontier has led to deforestation, which in turn has accentuated the impacts of climate change. In response to this, various ecological restoration initiatives have been promoted in the country’s strategic ecosystems. However, this poses challenges for the production of native plant material suitable for restoration.
The agroforestry germination center of the Tota Lake basin is a solution to this requirement. It consists of a set of technical facilities to collect, recover, germinate, reproduce and supply various native forest and agricultural species to the restoration processes of all the ecosystems in the basin. The center also aims to produce and maintain the availability of plant material for the agrobiodiverse orchards, living gardens and silvopastoral systems that are currently being developed there.
Additionally, the germination center also serves as a demonstration and capacity-building space for strategies to restore high mountain ecosystems in contexts of variability and climate change. Its main components are: germinators, transplant area, growth and rustication area, irrigation and water storage system, and composting area.
- Location:
- Implementation sites:
- Single country
- Single location
- Mountain region:
Cordillera de los Andes
- Province:
- Boyacá
- Site locations:
Tota Municipality/ La Puerta Village
- Solution scale:
- Ecosystem type(s):
- Solution type(s):
- Sector(s):
- Climate impact(s) addressed:
- Other climate impact(s) addressed:
- Changes in rainfall patterns, strong winds, loss of ecosystems, loss of productivity, reduced water availability, reduced food security
- Climate impact time-scale(s):
- Main benefit associated with the solution:
- Co-benefit(s) associated with the solution implementation:
- Other co-benefits(s) associated with the solution implementation:
- Strengthening food security for rural families, increased capacity to carry out ecological restoration processes, increased resilience of local productive systems, increase of natural cover in the basin and sustained production of native forest material for ecological restoration.
- Implementation timeline:
- 2021
- Sendai targets:
Solution details
Main beneficiaries & outcomes
The main beneficiaries of this solution are the institutions, producers and the community of the Tota Lake basin in general, because the germination centre contributes to reducing vulnerability in the dimensions of food security and biodiversity. It also increases the adaptive capacity of its inhabitants and contributes to ecological restoration processes, agrodiverse gardens, gardens of life and silvopastoral systems, through the permanent generation of native plant material.
As an adaptation measure, this solution is highly available. Through capacity building for the propagation of native plant material for ecological restoration and food security purposes, local technicians, producers and the community in general can plan ecological restoration strategies according to the specific conditions of a property or from a productive unit.
Planning and implementation
The planning and implementation process of the germination center in the basin involved the following stages:
- Socio-environmental diagnosis of the basin and territorial analysis of adaptation. Through the diagnosis, the productive systems, the main ecosystems, the actors and the local governance were characterized. Through the territorial analysis, the adaptation requirements in the basin were identified.
- Design and costing of germination center areas: germination area, growth area, rustication area, areas for implementation of ecological restoration strategies, biofertilizer production área and water harvesting area.
- Recovery and propagation of native seeds.
- Adaptation and installation of a module for the production of biofertilizers.
- Adequacy of the rainwater harvesting system.
- Development of demonstrative ecological restoration and rehabilitation actions.
- Capacity building through: group practices, technical talks, individual training and exchange of experiences.
8. Institutional support to ensure sustainability of the measure.
The AICCA Project led the planning and provision of infrastructure and equipment processes, leaving the germination center operational. It also led the training process.
The Tota Municipal Government, for its part, provided the land for the demonstration actions and facilitated entry to the territory, the workforce, as well as the administration and maintenance of the processes.
This adaptation measure is part of the Adaptation to Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources in the Andes Project (AICCA). This project is funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), implemented by the Development Bank of Latin America (CAF) and executed by the Consortium for Sustainable Development of the Andean Ecoregion (CONDESAN).
In Colombia, the project is being implemented jointly with the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (Minambiente) and the Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies (IDEAM). During its implementation, Paola Suárez Orduz and Johanna Zuluaga collaborated.
Funding was provided as a donation and the cost of a basic unit is shown below:
Main items | Costs USD | Source of information |
Training and technical support | $11.500 | (AICCA, 2021) |
Materials and Supplies | $11.000 | (AICCA, 2021) |
Labour | $4.000 | (AICCA, 2021) |
Total | $26.500 | (AICCA, 2021) |
A basic unit includes: a germination centre of 80m2 with three germination modules, irrigation system, demonstration actions of ecological restoration in 0.4 ha and adaptation and maintenance of the composting module. It involved:
- Technical support of 1 forestry professional.
- Support of two technicians on site.
- 5 workers.
The germination centre is a measure that improves ecological restoration processes and supports sustainable production. It consolidates a model that integrates ecological restoration, recovery and rehabilitation actions, with water harvesting actions, irrigation systems and biofertilizer production.
Among its innovations is the design of the germinators in the form of a tunnel, with polyshade and plastic from itinerant greenhouses. These covers can be exchanged to guarantee a favourable microclimate for the growth of seedlings and to cushion the effects of variability and climate change: extreme rains, frosts and strong winds.
Also noteworthy is the use of recycled materials (plastic wood) for the germination beds. This generates a lower environmental impact and increases their durability.
Performance evaluation
Since the measure is still in the implementation phase, an evaluation of the performance of the measure has not been carried out.
Long term project sustainability and maintenance
The maintenance of this adaptation measure is the responsibility of the Mayor’s Office of the municipality of Tota, together with the administrators of the rural aqueducts. They will be responsible for maintaining the productive cycle for 10 years.
Capacities for design and implementation
The combination of scientific and local knowledge was key to this solution. The information on the climate variability and change scenarios of the Tota Lake basin, Main Ecological Structure (EEP), vulnerability and risk, made it possible to identify the most appropriate places to implement it. In addition, local initiatives, the leadership of the Mayor’s Office of Tota and local knowledge about native species, facilitated the adaptation of the germination center to high mountain conditions.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) were fundamental in the design and implementation of this adaptation measure, especially during the territorial analysis for adaptation.
Political / Legal
This measure is framed in Colombia’s national climate change policy, specifically, in the strategic line “Management and conservation of ecosystems and ecosystem services for low-carbon and climate-resilient development.” It is also in line with the National Adaptation Plan.
At the local level, the measure is in line with the regulations of the Environmental Management Plan for the Tota Lake basin (2014), which promotes sustainable production processes and the diversification of production in the basin. This national and local political framework motivated the teams to promote this solution and made it easy to justify.
The local partners in this solution are the Mayor’s Office of the Tota municipality and the beneficiary producers. First, framework agreements were signed for all climate change adaptation measures that the AICC Project would implement in the basin. Then, tripartite agreements were signed to define the commitments of the parties in terms of development and sustainability of the germination center.
As part of the governance and sustainability strategy of this adaptation measure, co-development spaces were created with local communities. These spaces made it possible to jointly evaluate local needs in terms of adaptation to change and climate variability. Furthermore, the knowledge and capabilities of the communities were fundamental in the development of this measure.
Outlook & Scalability
Barriers and adverse effects
The main barrier to this solution was access to water on the premises where the germination center was located. To overcome this, a water harvesting system and storage tanks were built.
Transformation and future outlook
The germination center will ensure a steady supply of native plant material for ecological restoration and sustainable agricultural production. In addition, it is a highly viable adaptation measure in mountain ecosystems, because it allows native forest seeds to be rescued and propagated according to local needs.
Potential for upscaling and replication
The expansion of this solution is essential to support long-term restoration and sustainable agricultural production in the basin. Furthermore, with a low investment and simple strategies, producers can easily replicate it.
- Catálogo de Medidas de Adaptación al Cambio Climático para la Cuenca del Lago de Tota
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- Adaptation to the Impacts of Climate Change on Water Resources in the Andes (AICCA), Colombia
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