GEO Mountains General Meeting – May 2024
Join the GEO Mountains General Meeting in May to hear about recent activities and share future plans with the community.
Adaptation at Altitude Knowledge Network: Join our first meeting!
Are you interested in climate change adaptation in mountains and eager to accelerate action? Join us on the 30th May for the first meeting of the Adaptation at Altitude Knowledge Network, a global community through which we can share experiences and knowledge on adaptation in the mountains and collaborate to accelerate the uptake of innovative solutions.
MRD Talk #02: Engaging with Indigenous and local knowledge for the conservation of mountain landscapes
The second talk in the MRD Talk series, highlighting how working with Indigenous and local knowledge holders is crucial to conserving mountain landscapes.
MRD Talk #01: Climate change adaptation in mountains – How to close the gap between policies and local realities?
The first talk in the MRD Talk series, highlighting the crucial role of dialogue between scientists, development practitioners, private-sector representatives, and policymakers in fostering innovative solutions for sustainable and resilient mountain futures.