MRD Talk #04 – Outdoor activities: A blessing or a curse for mountain environments and societies?
Want to explore the impact of outdoor activities in mountain regions? Register for the next Mountain Research and Development online talk to hear from panellists on how the outdoor industry and the mountain sports community can contribute to livelihoods while actively protecting and regenerating mountain ecosystems.
State of the Cryosphere Report 2022
Discover the latest science on the Earth’s snow and ice regions in this report, reviewed and supported by over 60 leading cryosphere scientists. Learn about how a combination of melting polar ice sheets, vanishing glaciers, and thawing permafrost will have rapid, irreversible, and disastrous effects on the Earth’s population.
Ecosystem conservation and restoration in Laguna de Los Pozuelos, Argentina
This solution contributes to the conservation and restoration of high Andean wetland ecosystems in the Laguna de los Pozuelos, Argentina,...
Los Andes Después del Hielo: El Último Glaciar de Venezuela | The Andes after ice: The last Venezuelan Glacier
Esta publicacion trata del proyecto ‘El Último Glaciar de Venezuela’, una iniciativa que estudia el retroceso glaciar y la dinámica de formación de un nuevo ecosistema en la Sierra Nevada de Mérida, Venezuela. | This publication discusses glacial retreat and the dynamics of formation of a new ecosystem in the Sierra Nevada de Mérida, Venezuela. Contains a video documentary.